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Archive for the category “Health”

6 Facts About Calories

  1. If you average out the calorie consumption per day in America, it’s 3,790 calories per day per person.
  2. There are no calories in tea or coffee (just in the milk and sugar that you add…)
  3.  New York restaurants are now legally obliged to display calorie counts on menus … and in the UK, government ministers are calling for similar legislation.
  4.  Eating a high-calorie diet when pregnant is linked to giving birth to boys rather than girls. (The rise in low-calorie diets in the developed world is seen as one possible reason for the increasing number of female babies being born compared to male babies.)
  5. The average deep fried mars bar contains almost 1,000 calories – that could be most of your daily allowance, if you’re a small female office dieter.
  6. The Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps eats 12,000 calories per day whilst training – that’s enough calories to feel ten sedentary office dieters!

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6 Facts About Working Out

  1. Exercise Boosts Brainpower
  2. Movement Melts Away Stress
  3. Exercise Gives You Energy
  4. Exercise Helps Ward Off Disease
  5. Exercise Lets You Eat More
  6. Exercise Boosts Performance

6 Facts About Fruits Part(II)

  1. Thereare over 7000 different types of apples grown all over the world.
  2. The cabbage encloses nearly as much water as watermelon. Watermeloncontains 92% water where cabbage is 90% and carrots are 87%
  3. Avocado leaves are harmful to animals and the fruits may also poisonous to some birds
  4. Dried fruits contain more calories than fresh fruits. Since drying process takes out water and volume
  5. Eating an Apple is a more reliable method of staying awake than consuming a cup of coffee.The natural sugar in an apple is more potent than the caffeine in coffee.
  6. Lychee seeds are poisonous and should not be eaten.

6 Facts About Fruits And Herbs

  1. A strawberry is not an actual berry, but a banana is.
  2. Apples float in water because they are 25% air.
  3. An average strawberry has around 200 seeds
  4. Banana is not a fruit in reality, it is a herb
  5. Many years ago explorers used watermelons to carry water on long expeditions
  6. In the 19th century British sailors ate limes to prevent Scurvy

Fact #130

In China, people eat a bar of chocolate for every 1,000 chocolate bars eaten by the British

Fact #107

A pack-a-day smoker will lose approximately 2 teeth every 10 years!!

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